Tourist Attractions Map of Santo Domingo Tsachilas, Ecuador

Here find a tourist map of the Santo Domingo de Los Tsachilas province of Ecuador. Santo Domingo de Los Colorados and its surrounding towns and attractions. Need more information about traveling to Ecuador? Click here to see more Ecuador travel maps or Click here to see more resources on how to prepare your trip.

Tourist map of Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas, Ecuador. Ecuadorian Andes Mountains

Source: Ecuador National Tourism Office (Ministerio de Turismo)

Top tourist attractions

Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas province

Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas is an Ecuadorian province, part of the Coast region. Its capital is Santo Domingo. One of its main attractions is visiting the Tsáchila communities. People from these communities have a peculiar haircut in the form of a bowl glued down with bright-red achiote dye. Indeed, this is the reason, they are known as "Los Colorados" meaning "colored/painted" or "redheads."

Santo Domingo de Los Colorados or just Santo Domingo; is one of the newest cities in Ecuador. It is the capital of the Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas province; situated ...
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