Humpback whale watching map

Here find a tourist map of humpback whale watching in the Pacific Coast of Ecuador. This event can be observed in the provinces of Guayas, Manabi, and Esmeraldas. Need more information about traveling to Ecuador? Click here to see more Ecuador travel maps or Click here to see more resources on how to prepare your trip.

Humpback whale watching. Ecuador

Source: Ecuador National Tourism Office (Ministerio de Turismo)

Top tourist attractions

Pacific Coast (Costa Region)

The region of the Ecuadorian Pacific coast is known by locals simply as Costa. This region consists of the western low portion of the Equator. It extends from the Pacific Ocean to the foothills of the Andes Mountains. The coast has beautiful beaches and tons of beautiful beach communities. One thing you have to do is walk along the coast of Ecuador. Do not forget to follow the Spondylus Route! - formerly known as Ruta del Sol!

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