Tourist Attractions Map of (Babahoyo) Los Ríos, Ecuador

Here find a tourist map of the Los Ríos province of Ecuador. Babahoyo and its surrounding towns and attractions. Need more information about traveling to Ecuador? Click here to see more Ecuador travel maps or Click here to see more resources on how to prepare your trip.

Tourist map of Babahoyo. Los Rios, Ecuador. Ecuadorian Pacific Coast

Source: Ecuador National Tourism Office (Ministerio de Turismo)

Top tourist attractions

Los Ríos province

Los Rios province is located in the foothills of the western Andes in central Ecuador. Its capital is Babahoyo. Los Rios economy is largely based on its agriculture: coffee, cacao, bananas, rice, tobacco, etc. Tourist attractions include fishing and native rituals.

Babahoyo is the capital of the Los Ríos province, Ecuador. It is bordered by two rivers, the San Pablo River and the Caracol River, which join to form the Babahoyo ...
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