Holy Week or "Semana Santa" is an Ecuadorian religious holiday celebrated in March or April, depending on the liturgical calendar. Holy Week is an annual tribute of the Passion of Jesus Christ. During one week, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are commemorated throughout Ecuador.

How is Holy Week celebrated in Ecuador?

Holy Week and Christmas are the most religious Catholic festivals in Ecuador. There are many rituals in this holiday with rich cultural roots and ancestral traditions. Holy Week is a time to pray and attend church. The holiday begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday. The main celebrations are:

  1. Palm Sunday (Domingo de Ramos). It commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The palm branch is a symbol of victory, triumph, peace, and eternal life.
  2. Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday (Jueves Santo). Churches celebrate special masses during which the Chrism – a sacred oil – is used in the sacraments is consecrated. They also reference the Last Supper.
  3. Good Friday (Viernes Santo). The trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ are remembered. Good Friday is an official national holiday. Most stores and businesses are closed while churches and cathedrals are open. In the churches, there are ceremonies throughout the day.
  4. Holy Saturday (Sabado de Gloria). The day between the death and the Resurrection of Jesus is remembered. Churches hold a ceremony with lighting candles at the altar or holding the throughout the mass.
  5. Easter Sunday or Resurrection Sunday (Domingo de Resurrection). This is a day for spiritual renewal, the church celebrates Jesus' resurrection.

Ecuadorian traditions during Holy Week

Procession - Holy Week. Cuenca, Ecuador


Holy processions are common during the holy week. The most important processions in Ecuador are "Cristo del Consuelo" in Guayaquil and "Jesus del Gran Poder" in Quito. Both processions are held on Good Friday. People that join processions walk through the streets carrying paintings of Jesus, little crosses with flowers, or lighting candles. They walk while praying for their sins to be forgotten. During some people dress as "Cucuruchos" - they walk through the streets barefooted to pay for their sins.

On Good Friday, Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas also performs a Via Crucis procession that culminates with the crucifixion scene. In Riobamba, people commemorate the Holy Tuesday with the Lord of Good Success procession (Patron of the city).

Fanesca, traditional food. Holy week. Ecuador

Traditional food

Food is an important aspect of Holy Week. "Fanesca" is a traditional dish prepared by many Ecuadorian families during the Holy week. Fanesca is a soup prepared with different kinds of beans, grains and salt cod.

Visiting the beach

It is common for Ecuadorians to travel during the holy week to the beach. This is considered the high season, beaches are really crowded. Make hotel and travel reservations well in advance.

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Ecuadorians celebrate independence from Spain on August 10, 1809. In Spanish, it translates as "El Dia del Primer Grito de Independencia de Quito" which means "The day of the first declaration of independence of Quito". August 10th is National public holiday. ...
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When is Holy Week (Good Friday) in Ecuador 2020? 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2015

Year Weekday Date Holiday Name Holiday Type
2020 Friday April 10 Good Friday National holiday
2021 Friday April 2 Good Friday National holiday
2022 Friday April 15 Good Friday National holiday
2023 Friday April 7 Good Friday National holiday
2024 Friday March 29 Good Friday National holiday
2025 Friday April 18 Good Friday National holiday

Click here to see Ecuadorian holidays calendar for these years: 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

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