Devils Cauldron Waterfall, Banos de Agua Santa
Devils Cauldron Waterfall, Banos de Agua Santa
Devils Cauldron Waterfall, Banos de Agua Santa
Devils Cauldron Waterfall, Banos de Agua Santa
Devils Cauldron Waterfall, Banos de Agua Santa
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Devil's Cauldron waterfall - Pailon del diablo

Devil's Cauldron o "Pailon del Diablo" in Spanish, is a spectacular waterfall; about 262 ft. (80 m.) high, formed from the Rio Verde (green river). The Devil's Cauldron is located on the road Baños-Puyo. This waterfall is a must-do stop if visiting Baños, 11 mi. (18km.) distance. This waterfall is part of the Route of the waterfalls o "Ruta de las Cascadas" in Spanish. The Devil's Cauldron has two main entrances: the north, and south. Both paths go through a semi-jungle that homes different types of birds and flowers. Nearby the waterfall, there is a suspension bridge which is a great spot to take pictures. The Devil's Cauldron is impressive and powerful. It is impossible to get close without getting wet. The water that falls down the mountain sprays its visitors. To access the waterfall, you will need a waterproof jacket, clothing, and shoes that can get wet.

To get there from Baños, take a bus to either Rio Verde or Puyo, ask the driver to stop at the "Pailon del Diablo" bus rides cost around $1,50, you may also rent a bike from Baños about per $10.  The waterfall gate is about 10 minutes walking from the parking lot.  The entrance fee to the waterfall is $2.

Facts & Information

Language: Spanish
Currency: US Dollar

Location: South America
Country: Ecuador
Region: Andes
Province: Tungurahua
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